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5 Sales Buckets CRMs Cover Enabling Growth Marketing Wins for Midsize & Large Businesses | WEBITMD

Written by Brian Miller | April 7, 2019

If you are responsible for sourcing, hiring and managing growth marketing agencies brought on to help you increase sales and hit those high-revenue targets, your bottom line will ultimately rely on a comprehensive CRM with the right people to manage its performance while aligning sales and marketing through its broad capabilities.

Traditionally, CRMs are the target of trash-talking from sales reps; they view them as a tedious waste of time that garners no clear value from the data that goes in. And if this has been your experience, it means you probably have a joker CRM, inexperienced team members, or both. This is why aggressive brands invest in growth marketing agencies with custom stacks of tools and technologies designed to help organizations hit every goal, with measurable results.

This article is intended to help organizations learn how they can address their internal efficiency and increase sales by investing in a digital growth marketing stack that’s built on an understanding of how your customers make purchasing decisions, and how the CRM is at the core of your ability to grow.

1. A CRM in a Growth Marketing Stack Organizes Contact Data

Organizing contact data is the first bucket, and the most important as it is where leads and, eventually, sales sprout from. It is human nature to get burdened by multiple tasks, distracted, and contacts get mismanaged or they manage to fall through the cracks before they can be classified as a lead. With a CRM, you and your growth marketing agency can easily manage and track all contact data with a wealth of data behind each person. This will allow you to see if the contact visited your website, outline the journey they took from page to page, where they downloaded content, or where they converted into a conversation with a team member. You can even customize the platform allowing for sales reps to log important information and takeaways from their calls or email communication with any contact. Not only will this information help in lead scoring (also lets sales people track deals and flag opportunities that could require further nurturing), you also get data necessary for optimizing audience targeting tactics that can be used across your entire digital marketing strategy.

2. Segment Your Buyers Without Hours of Time Spent

Successful organizations know that creating contact lists of people to reach out to based on specific criteria is what fuels sales. And companies that have made the switch from hemorrhaging hours of time working off Excel sheets with the human error factor always hovering over head have reported game-changing results from switching over to growth marketing stacks that utilize advanced CRMs to segment and nurture contacts with predetermined messaging through marketing automation technology. Aside from better accuracy, companies are able to get maximum results using a team half the size thus proving a huge impact on their bottom line without even adding revenue to the equation.

3. Easy Sales Reports

The CRM in a growth marketing stack helps sales and marketing teams collect and aggregate data surrounding deals and prospects. CRMs like HubSpot allow growth marketing experts and internal teams to create sales dashboards and reports that can be used to better manage pipelines, deals and contacts. For example, your digital growth marketing agency can work with your internal manager to see how team members are monitoring quota attainment while looking at the volume of closed deals. Members of the C-suite, managers and your marketing agency can monitor the volume of generated revenue, and identify the KPIs that harvested the most value.

4. Strategic Planning from Forecasting Sales

Making informed decisions is key to strategic planning for streamlining sales organization. CRM reports can pull prime metrics such as year-over-year growth with specific marketing channel impact making it easier for identifying trends and predicting outcomes In fact, sales projections can be determined allowing internal management and growth marketing experts to adjust pipeline estimates by collecting data in the CRM that reveals which marketing channels, campaigns and sales activities were the most profitable at lead generation. Organizations have reported that this component of the growth marketing stack has doubled lead volume and improved lead quality making it a paramount piece to any strategic undertaking to secure growth and industry dominance.

5. Growth Marketing Strategies Have CRMS that Scale the Sales Process

The best growth marketing agencies that align marketing with sales use CRMs that have a single place for tracking leads, prospects and conversions. This is done by organizing activities like calls, emails and set meetings. This data allows growth marketing agencies and internal teams to pinpoint and outline patterns that shed light on which sales processes are paying off, and which ones can be improved upon. This feature alone can play a huge role in maturing your sales organization and growing your business to new heights.

Ready to Learn How a Multi-Channel Growth Marketing Approach can Make Your Bottom Line Shine?

Download our FREE guide on the WEBITMD Growth Marketing Stack, and see if the approach makes sense for your business. If you like what you see give us a call and let’s book a consultation so we can learn more about your customers, your goals, and your business as a whole.