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5 Ways to Break Free from Email Ennui with Better Eblast Content | WEBITMD

Written by Martin Andrews | June 26, 2018

While types of marketing come and go, email marketing has remained one of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads, and convert them into buyers. If done well, email marketing campaigns can even account for a significant amount of your revenue. In addition, the best business growth agencies offering digital marketing to their clients will farm the collected data in order to evaluate performance and make ongoing improvements (like increasing open rates, reducing unsubscribers, etc).

In order to take full advantage of your marketing performance, improvements need to be made using an agile approach that keeps pace with your customers. These five tips will help.

1. Treat Your Email List Like a Garden and Tend It

Your email delivery performance and the data you collect from it relies on how up to date it is. Whether people make mistakes in typing out their email addresses, or they give fake ones, you will want to remove any unwanted weeds. This means email addresses with histories of zero activity should be removed, as people have likely changed their email address, or they simply aren’t in your target audience. You can run your email list through a verification and scrubbing service to landscape it as an accurate, healthy list.

2. High Click-Through Rates & Emojis Go Hand-in-Hand

Just pick up your phone and look at the texting history. Chances are high it is FULL of emojis. Emojis almost always improve CTRs because they make emails stand out from the junk. Remember, there are going to be other brands and companies reaching out to your customers too, and it is easy to get lost in a see of email preview lines.

3. Test a Variety of Send Times

While the most successful email marketing strategies have their obvious “big wins”, lackluster campaigns have their red flags. One of the things almost every failing email marketing strategy has been guilty of is just sending out emails at “whenever o’clock” and assuming people will read them. You should try to determine when your buyer personas will likely be online with time to check emails, and blast your list then while experimenting with some deployment variations. Look for the stronger metrics and notice the time of day these emails were sent. Also, if you notice that morning CTRs are significantly higher, try breaking up your deployment time throughout the morning to determine the best performance time.

4. Make Sure to Segment Your Email List

If you have one massive email list then you are doing your brand and customers a disservice by generalizing your message. When you segment your list you will certainly see open rates and overall engagement go up. When customizing the messaging according to segmented groups, customers will find your content more relevant to their unique needs, and with this comes better results.

5. Customize Your Responsive Email Template

Unless you are in an odd niche, most of your subscribers will open your emails on their mobile devices. This is why using a responsive design for your email content and newsletters is crucial. But when you take things a step further and customize a template, your content and brand will stand out. The cost for some customized work on responsive email templates is very minimal, and the payoff is huge because you will have a more polished, professional look.

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