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How Does a Digital Marketing Growth Stack Work? | WEBITMD

Written by Jason Patel | March 27, 2018

Whether businesses are hitting their sales goals, or struggling to make those memorable connections with buyers, there is always room for improvement. In fact, if you aren’t working with a top digital marketing agency in Los Angeles that offers custom growth stacks, you are likely missing out on significant revenue gain.

What is a Digital Marketing Growth Stack?

A growth stack can mean different things according to who’s offering the service The WEBITMD Growth Stack is a carefully selected set of tools and strategies that work together to achieve specific goals based on each individual client’s needs. The approach begins by setting a foundation built on how customers consume information and make purchase decisions. Then the growth stack is initiated to drive traffic, nurture prospects and close sales based on that data to drive measurable growth.

Digital Marketing Growth Stacks Start by Driving Traffic

Driving traffic can typically occurs through three main methods: organic SEO, paid, and email marketing. Based on the business, industry and how the brand’s customers engage with information, one or all of these can be applied to a digital marketing growth stack.

Organic SEO as performed by the WEBITMD Growth Stack goes beyond anything that is being offered by traditional SEO agencies. Ranking content based on the most frequently searched keywords won’t generate revenue. It may rank content, but it won’t align with the ideal customers the business wants to attract and, because it lacks semantic considerations, its ranking will be short lived as soon as competitors find out how to rank the right way. Driving traffic that converts means you rank content for the search queries buyers ask while considering their pains and needs. This means search phrases and keyword variations need to feed into the buyer pains while demonstrating solutions to those problems.  Each piece of content should be a part of a carefully crafted workflow, and further enhanced by backlinks to help improve landing page rankings.

Paid search, depending on the business and its customer’s search habits, can be executed from Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other social outlets. Here, paid ads attract the right buyers and funnel them to a landing page where they can perform the desired action such as fill out a form or make a purchase.

Email marketing campaigns also help send traffic to landing pages where an ideal action can be performed. The business’s email list is segmented, and strategic copy is created to appeal to the appropriate buyer person using an offer that will likely resonate. The email body itself can contain a form submission or an extension to a shopping cart or it can lead buyers to a landing page for the same actions.

Nurturing Prospects

Once traffic is driven and prospects are created, they must be nurtured with the right educational content to help them make an educated purchase decision. The WEBITMD Growth Stack created in-depth buyer personas to use as content creation road maps. Then marketing automation software sends this content out to the right consumer groups while monitoring every touch point and how customers are engaging through the buyer’s journey–a vital part of the inbound process. Information that helps buyers understand how the brand’s services and products offer the best solution to their need is sent through a funnel that nurtures people all the way to the shopping cart where they convert into buyers.

Sales Enablement and the Close

Most growth stacks skip on sales enablement because they limit their services to driving traffic and leads. If applicable to the business at hand, the WEBITMD Growth Stack helps companies close the loop with technology solutions and sales strategies that transform deal opportunities into revenue. Each strategy is customized to align with the company’s model; using a process that may or may not include deal stages, CRM, sales templates, and automation, sales teams are trained and given new strategies to enhance efficiency leading to measurable growth.