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3 Habits of Top-Performing Inbound Marketing Content Creators | WEBITMD

Written by Emma Gasko | August 2, 2018

Batman and Robin. Wine and cheese. Han Solo and Chewbacca. You have likely heard of these famous pairings, but when it comes to the world of inbound marketers, there’s a single pair that stands out as the true stars in the sky: content and marketing.

Without content, inbound marketing would be impossible, and without GREAT content, sales will be as bleak as Scooby Doo without Shaggy. That said, what does it mean to be an amazing content creator? How can a copywriter stand out amongst his peers as a compelling, top-drawer writer who gives his readers a ton of value, and whom others seek for advice on content marketing?  Whether you are a copywriter for the best inbound marketing agency in Los Angeles, or you are a marketing director in search of digital marketing services for your organizational growth, these six habits of a top-performing content writer for inbound strategies will empower you.

1. Immerse Yourself in Inbound Marketing News

In order to create high-conversion content that resonates with your readers, you must think like them. And in order to think like them, you need to stay abreast to all the latest news in the respected industry at hand. This means staying on top of daily news related to buyers, products, services and innovations. If you are an account manager for multiple clients, then you need to be well versed in each of their industries by following the news. If you are a CMO, then you need to read the latest daily news surrounding your industry. By doing this one can understand how industry context shapes target audience’s buying mindset.

First, determine where your sources are for information. This could be a number of blogs, for example. You can set up an RSS feed for blogs that help you stay current in industry news. You can also follow industry leaders on LinkedIn and Twitter, and discover where your buyer personas get their information at the same time.

2. Write on a Regular Basis

Even in the off-season, MLB players train in the gym and hit the batting cages on a regular basis. Otherwise their muscle memory would be shot to hell by the time Spring Training starts. Writing content for inbound marketing strategies is no different. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Top-performing content writers produce consistent work to keep the creative juices flowing, even if they aren’t all that inspired to write. Even if you don’t have to write a blog or some email copy for an inbound campaign on a daily basis, jotting down some thoughts for 10  minutes relevant to the industry at hand will help you stay fresh.

3. Revisit Your Buyer Personas & Follow Up With Social Listening

Highly successful content writers will revisit their buyer personas., This can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly; it depends on the project scope and the writer. Good buyer personas are granular and highly detailed, so there are always opportunities for discovering new facts to add, or get inspired with new ideas when re familiarizing yourself with your target audience.

Once you feel comfortable understanding your buyer persona for the time being, take to Twitter, LinkedIn and any other relevant social media platform, and see how people are engaging one another through hashtags and group conversations. Not only will social listening help you sharpen the fine details on your buyer personas, but also reveal the topics and questions that are trending and that people care about which can be used to write compelling copy. Delving into the world where your buyers converse will also help arm you with the needed data to create growth-driven inbound marketing strategies with measurable results–an ideal investment that shows what’s working, and what isn’t.

Is Your Inbound Strategy Paying Off?

If you found value in these three tips and you know your inbound strategy can be improved, we invite you to download this FREE guide on our inbound marketing approach to business growth. Got questions? Give us a call and together let’s discover ways you can create measurable results with a polished inbound strategy.