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How to Attract Buyers Who Don't Think They Need You | WEBITMD

Written by Martin Andrews | July 14, 2017

In order to dominate your market, you need to reach as many consumers as possible, even the ones who seem unattainable. Some people are unreachable for good reason, and you need to differentiate this group from those who are still within reach and segment them into a unique targeting campaign. For example, if you sell feminine hygiene products an unreachable audience would be men. However, this doesn’t mean they have to be unattainable forever, as even the most surprising cohorts can become your biggest brand advocates. The trick is knowing how to reach them, and how to communicate with them using the right content. When you can do this, these people will be able to view your products as being relevant solutions to their needs. This is a task that the best inbound digital marketing agencies master on a daily basis, and by learning the tricks of the trade, you too can create ways to attract the most unlikely buyers. 

Do Some Solid Research to Attract the Right Buyers

As previously mentioned, you should segment your unreachable audience members into their own group separate from other buyer types. These people may or may not be so obvious. This is why it is so important to research through the identification process. Some things you can do include:

  • Check website analytics to see what the visiting demographics are
  • Comb through social media platforms to determine audiences you aren’t connecting with
  • Compare your lacking consumer audience and demographics with your competitor’s
  • Send an email blast with an offer that collects data through survey questions

Once you have determined these consumer profiles, you will need to put on your detective’s hat and determine some answers to vital questions. Are these people uninformed about your products? If so, why? Are they aware that they may want or need my products or offerings? Create a map and chart the answers to these questions under each appropriate unreachable buyer persona.

Once you have determined your unreachable audience members, you will need to find out what their turn-ons and turn-offs are. Discover what they do for a living, where they work, and where they live. Do they own a home or do they rent? Do they have children? Are they married? What’s their average age? By unearthing the details of their daily lives you will find ways to reach out to them in a manner that is familiar. This will also help you create content that will resonate with them.

Generate Types of Content that Speak to their Pains and Needs

Your content should strive to provide your unreachable audience members with something they aren’t able to find anywhere else. This is an attention-grabbing factor that will suck them in. build credibility and trust, and it will move you ahead of your competition. It is important not to just craft the right words, but also the format and type of content you will be sharing. These can vary from educational whitepapers, blogs, e-books, buyer guides, webinars, and many other formats. At the end of the day, your content needs to consider the buyer’s journey and speak to the segmented audience you are targeting.

The Inbound Approach and Marketing Automation

Once you identify your unreachable audience members and you map out a content strategy, work with an inbound marketing agency who can automate the process of nurturing these people through a concise funnel. These are people who will not convert as easily as your primary buyer groups. They will need to be nurtured through the buyer’s journey reaching various stages of awareness before they are ready to receive the right content that will convert them into a paying customer.

Leave no Rock Unturned

Don’t just focus on your primary buyer audiences; there is tons of value in unreachable consumer groups. These cohorts likely have more members than you think, and they hold a ton of value. Think about it: as a consumer yourself are you likely to talk to friends and family about products or services you acquired that are an obvious need, or would you feel more inclined to share your experience about finding a surprising and unexpected solution to your need? Unreachable consumers can be turned into future customers who are only temporarily unobtainable, and they can also be your biggest advocates once you delight them.

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