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Inbound Marketing: The Missing Piece to Your Digital Growth Strategy | WEBITMD

Written by Jason Patel | December 20, 2017

You can be ranking for all the right keywords, have a fresh modern website your buyers love, and have a highly skilled sales team. But are these things enough? At the end of the day your goals are not to dominate page one of Google with high organic ranking. Your growth requires an increase in sales. SEO is a big piece to your digital growth strategy, but if the right content isn’t reaching the right segment of your buyer audience and nothing is being done to nurture them into becoming paying customers, you are missing out on an ample amount of revenue.

Inbound Marketing is Your Red Carpet to Sales

The inbound methodology takes buyers from an early awareness stage and nurtures them through a funnel in which they engage specialized content that leads them from a specific buyer’s stage to the point they are educated enough to make a purchase. This is all possible through marketing automation software that helps marketers manage the process. Marketing automation platforms like HubSpot allow marketers to manage their leads without letting sales qualified leads slip through the cracks, share content through social channels and create workflows with automated management tools.

Who is a Good Fit for Inbound Marketing?

If you are a business that has a healthy marketing budget and organic SEO alone isn’t allowing you to reach your dream sales figures, inbound is likely an ideal process to add to your digital marketing strategy. Your best bet is to research various inbound marketing agencies with SEO experts and create a short list of potential partners to help you successfully run a strong growth strategy. If you don’t work with an agency and instead choose to run inbound strategies through your own internal, you will need someone to execute on creative tasks like email designs and landing pages. You will also need someone who can manage the technology play, a content manager, and someone to manage communication between your marketing and sales teams. Generally speaking, companies work with agencies because the investment is lower than hiring and pulling several people to run campaigns in house.

Inbound Makes Good Content Better

Your content can be well written, structured around the right keyword groups, and be educational and entertaining. But if it isn’t tweaked to trigger buyer emotions AND reach the right buyers, it is missing the mark. You need to create buyer personas–fictional representations of real customers that profile everything from their family status to job title, to their salary and their hobbies. Once you have a detailed buyer persona representing each group of your consumer audience, you can create content that appeals to their specific pains in a way that showcases your products and services as the answers to their problems. Once a buyer becomes aware of his pain and starts researching for solutions, your content will nurture him through educated points that resonate at a high level. Then the buyer will be lead to landing pages with a CTA designed to speak to him at a personal level where a sale will transpire. Without adding inbound to your digital growth strategy you are simply running on organic SEO alone, and given the way buyer behavior has changed over the past two years,  plugging everything into a marketing automation platform will prove to be that missing piece that was holding you back from hitting your brand and sales goals.

Did this Content Make You Curious About Inbound?

Is so we invite you to download our FREE guide below on inbound marketing. Give it a read, discover how your business model fits in, and call us with any questions you may have!
If you found value in our content we really think you will LOVE our completely FREE no-strings guide to inbound marketing. Download it below, see how your business fits in, and give us a call with any questions.