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Common Mistakes Made by Young Startups...Tips Inside! | WEBITMD

Written by Mattan Danino | June 28, 2013

Youngsters start their businesses with utmost enthusiasm with lots of dreams in their eyes. But there are a few common mistakes that they do. If you are also a youngster who is just about to start a venture, you must go through this blog to make sure that you don’t commit those mistakes.

Avoiding Simplicity

Youngster usually makes things very complicated. It’s not a good practice at all. They should try to keep things as simple as they can. Including intricacy is not going to do any good to your business plan, on the contrary it will make it worse.

Taking Time in Launching

Though youngsters are very quick in all the other things but it’s generally seen that they take too long to launch a venture. Let it be done early and may be you achieve success a bit earlier.

Not Paying Attention to the Hiring Process

While hiring for a startup business, youngsters often hire the staff without paying much of attention. May be they want to do it quickly but they must think wisely what effects would it exert on the performance of the business.

Not Staying Agile

Usually, youngsters are in so much hurry to achieve success that they don’t want to keep their mind open to any new thoughts. It’s definitely not advisable. They should keep themselves agile.

Hiding the Ideas

They think that they have thought of a new idea and their mission is to protect it from the rest of the world. Come on Guys, it’s twenty first century. No idea supposes to be new today. Just execute it perfectly.

Losing Focus

In today’s world, you may come across hundreds of ideas every day. Youngsters take such ideas very seriously and lose focus from the ones on which they currently work.

Expecting Virality

Everyone starts business with some hopes and expectations and it’s really true but expecting too much is really not of any use. Youngsters think that whatever they are offering will be viral very soon. They shouldn’t think that way. Things may take time.

Fundraising Extremely

What most of the youngsters think is that lots of funds are a guarantee to a successful execution of plans. It’s obviously not so. Have  a look at your requirement and raise the funds accordingly.

Not Befriending Investees

These young people tend to run after investors instead of investees. But it’s proven that funded entrepreneurs are of more help.

Lingering on Things

Youngsters take very long to think over any new plan or idea. So much dwelling on things is not beneficial. They should try to judge the pros and cons of the things within the reasonable limits.

Paying Too Much Attention on Feedback

Youngsters are very cautious about what people say about them. You mustn’t pay very much attention to these things. It’s only going to worsen the situation, not improving it anyhow.

Selecting Wrong Co founders

In a hurry to introduce a business as soon as possible, youngsters usually team up with wrong co founders and repent their decision down the line. It’s better to have some care at the outset and make a good selection.

Try to Persuade Nonbelievers

All the time you will spend in one persuading a non-believer in your ideas may make you please a few who seem to readily believe in it.

Not Paying Attention to Current Customers

Youngsters generally tend to go just by their plans and don’t listen to the suggestions of the customers. You must deem each and every advice from your customers as a guideline which may lead you to some better ideas.

Taking very Quick Decisions

Youngsters don’t think about logic much and jump to the decisions instantly. This behavior may prove to be very harmful for any type of businesses, especially for start up ones.

Not Maintaining Relationships

Try to be on good terms with all your associates, employees and customers. Maintaining good relationships is the common factor in all the successful ventures evolved so far.