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Bigger is Better?!? Not Necessarily With Google anymore... | WEBITMD

Written by Mattan Danino | November 27, 2013

In today’s internet world, people are keen to make websites and upload them to the search engines in order to have made their presence online as well as offline. They try every possible method to bring their websites to the first page of the search engine results. In doing so, they follow certain tactics that aren’t as beneficial as in the past.

Generally, Webmasters perceive the more pages a website has the better the raking of that site will be.  Also, the website would get the long tail keywords from the users, but Google says this is not the case.

According to Google’s Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts, a website with a large number of pages will not rank better than others. So, adding the pages to your home page does not yield simply in increasing the website rank over other small websites. However, he mentioned that the website with a large number of pages would get high traffic. This is because each of the individual pages of the website would be searched for the specific queries and that would increase the probability of the site to be visited by the users.

He stressed on the fact that the links play an important role in determining the rankings of the web pages. If any site has more pages, it would have more links pointing to it thereby increasing the ranking of the website. So, it does not help simply by having the large number of pages but deeper crawling into the website helps in a manner to increase the page rank and the traffic on the website. The major contributors are the inbound links which make the user to traverse through the site smoothly and having necessary content required for the search query entered by the user. Cutts said” we are giving an opportunity to the large sites not because they have the large number of pages but the amount of links they have so that the deep  crawling of the website can took place for some relevant search query.

Finally, if we come to the bottom line of the issue, we find that having a website with a large number of pages is great. It does not give you a higher ranking but having more pages  means more potential for someone to link to your website as well as getting the traffic on those pages. In all, have a website with large number of pages but should have the necessary inbound links for the better flow of accessing the website and best user experience.