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Digital Marketing Trends: Fall 2015 | WEBITMD

Written by Janet Lee | September 9, 2015

Ever since digital marketing became an inseparable part of the brand building process, the only constant has been change itself. Keeping up with trends has always been looked at as an uphill task. Here are a few key trends that one needs to look forward to have a successful year with digital marketing.


Personalization and Big Data made their presence felt last year. Their importance is increasing with every passing day. The main aim is to make each brand interaction highly relevant by adapting it to a particular individual based on his behavior on social media or applications, tastes and preferences in lifestyle, etc.

Social Media Leads the Way

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and similar platforms have altered the nuances of marketing to a great extent. Digital marketing professionals have been attracted to the immense potential of social media marketing, where each platform provides the chance to channelize details towards a specific market segment.

Content marketing and brand communications will be the major factors in strategy and provide a high momentum to brands. The ones that can use unconventional yet powerful ways of storytelling will be able to make an instant impression in the minds of consumers.

Content and Customized Marketing

You will need to take a few steps back and work on the ‘’basics’’, for assessing and analyzing your target audience. This trend has sadly declined in recent times. Tailor made content and customized marketing campaigns will now lead. It’s time to  re-prioritize the allocation of resources.

Interactive Content

Every business that comes up with top notch content will have ample scope to engage with potential clients and get good leads. There is a need for more dedication from marketing teams to balance content development budgets with distribution. Interactive content is becoming a major channel for businesses to create visitor engagement. They can be used to acquire good feedback and ensure a fair amount of social sharing.

Value Added Experiences

Time tested ideas will not work anymore. There is a need for companies to realign and energize their resources to add more value to their services.
From the digital marketing perspective, focus will shift from demand creation to offering end to end solutions. The main aim is to make a selling experience count.

Emotional Connections

Digital marketing will experience a paradigm shift and will emerge as something more than a marketing strategy. It will include the process of attracting, engaging and retaining clients by providing them with instant access to what they are looking for. Drawing customers just through preaching won’t do. Stress will now be laid upon creating an interest towards a brand by offering information that connects with people at an emotional level.


You will able to segment your traffic and consumer behavior with the help of tools like Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, and Mixpanel. These tools make measuring the results of a campaign or finding insights rather easy. Emphasis will be laid on the creation of more advanced segments to follow psychographic profiles and behavioral triggers.

Interactive Innovation 

There is a high probability that many big brands will use media channels to acquire a more loyal audience base. End user patience will be at an all time low while competition will increase manifold. More communication will be expected through implementation of interactive digital marketing strategies. Innovation will reign supreme, and the value of content both in the form of visuals and text will rise.

Transparency and Genuine Relationships

Virtual storytelling will set the rules of the game in the new digital trends. This will not only make your brand’s presence felt, but also make engagement with target clients at an individual level possible. Brands will now make efforts to create genuine connections to gain trust and boost loyalty of their audience.

Predictive Analytics

Use of data for gaining client insights is nothing new, but the way analysis done is changing. B2B companies are taking help of organizations like Lattice to enhance lead scoring and prioritization without relying on data experts to present those insights.


Caught in the race of storytelling, many brands miss the basic steps of storytelling that can strike a chord with the audience. There has been a shift towards more humanentric and story based content that is based on human emotions like trust, happiness, and loyalty. If you can master that craft, you will have the world of digital marketing at your feet.