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Gen X Women vs. Gen Y Women | WEBITMD

Written by Mattan Danino | November 12, 2009

Generation Y women are younger, trendier, and more technologically advanced than Generation X women. Studies have shown that Gen Y women have “redefined” their social networks to include their friends or buddies on various online social media pages, anonymous reviewers and bloggers.

Gen Y is therefore more likely than Gen X to share new products/ideas online to their larger networks which is the beginning of a new trend for Gen X. Women across the world can now research products they’ve never heard of and the products they love and use daily via blogs, status updates, and other posts.

When it comes to products that Gen Y women love, they are still more likely to distribute information about them via original mediums such as: telephone or in person. “But they post about products and brands on social networking sites or online forums nearly twice as much as older women. Gen X women, on the other hand, are more likely than younger females to share information via e-mail.”

The potential pop culture influence of social marketing is consequently increasing dramatically due to so many trendsetting Gen Y women using those types of sites.

Mothers are also a strong target of women for this type of research because mothers usually ask other mothers for advice on decisions they face with their families; this is especially true with “millennial moms,” or mothers who were born in Gen Y.

“With moms it is even a stronger source, as moms have always found it important to ask other moms before making important decisions that affect their families and kids,” Brandon Evans, managing partner and chief strategy officer at Mr Youth, told Media Life magazine. “With social media, it became much easier for them to seek out advice on a variety of topics from a wider net of people, so it quickly gained in influence.”

Information provided by: www.emarketer.com
Written by: Samantha J. Stephan